Sunday, September 29, 2013
How To Make A Mahsa Bag
Hey guys! While browsing the net for Tokyo Mew Mew bags, I came across this post ( that shows how to make a Masha bag just like the one above! Supplies list and instructions are listed on her blog. Just click on the link above! Maria Phillips's blog has a few other TMM posts on it too, so be sure to check them all out!
And if you make one successfully, be sure to tell me how it went! ;)
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Otakon TMM Merchandice
I got a request a little while ago from Mewsavy7ofdomino asking me if I could post something about her Tokyo Mew Mew findings at the recent Otakon convention. I gladly accepted, and if anyone else has been to Otakon and has something Tokyo Mew Mew realted that they'd like to share with me, please let me know by emailing me your findings to this address:
Here's what Mewsavy7ofdomino reports:
''I wanted to get zakuro but it was to high so I waited till the last day and it was sold out :( but they had a Lettuce 2 pack for $20.the vender was hidden in the back poorly lit corner with kawaii stuff."
Here's what Mewsavy7ofdomino reports:
''I wanted to get zakuro but it was to high so I waited till the last day and it was sold out :( but they had a Lettuce 2 pack for $20.the vender was hidden in the back poorly lit corner with kawaii stuff."
Remember, email me at if you'd like to share your TMM Otakon findings. :)
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Favorite Tokyo Mew Mew Moments
Tokyo Mew Mew has a lot of great scenes in it has we all know, but even though it's 52 episode long, there are still parts of it that stick out as a favorite scene in my mind.
This has be one of the saddest most bittersweet moments on Tokyo Mew Mew ever. And that's why it's one of my favorite moments on Tokyo Mew Mew. It's moving and heartbreaking at the same time.
This was one of the funniest moments in Tokyo Mew Mew, and had me giggling all throughout the episode.
Even big, tough, Zakuro is scared of something. It's not aliens or chimera animals though, it's giant bugs! Oh Zakuro....
This scene was one of the more funny, slightly romantic scenes on the show. The expression on both their faces is priceless! It was about time Ichigo new about your little secret, right Ryou? ;)
And finally....
Hands down my favorite scene in the whole 52 episode series. It's hilarious! Nothing beats Rock, Paper, Scissors!
What are your favorite moments from Tokyo Mew Mew?
Monday, July 29, 2013
Hair Color VS. Personality (Part 1)
As promised, here is the post! ^^ It's going to be a long one, so I decided to break it up into parts. Anyway, I got an inspiration for this post when I visited
I was viewing some of her old posts when this topic caught my eye: And since the Mew Mews were on that page, I figured, why not? Let's see if their hair color matches their personality.
Mew Ichigo:
For anime characters with pink hair, these are some of the traits that Anne believes can be associated with them: Benevolent, feminine, youthful, innocent, cheerful, cute, orderly, accomplished, gullible, frustrated
I've got to say, Ichigo fits most of these traits perfectly. She's definitely cheerful, cute, and innocent. She can be gullible sometimes, and definitely gets frustrated on periods of the show. I wouldn't use the word orderly to define her character though, but I suppose she's an accomplished person after saving the Earth all those times. And overall, she's a very benevolent person.
So I would say she fits most of these traits, but orderly and accomplished are the outliers here.
Mew Mint:
Traits: Wise, impartial, talented, mature, intuitive, introverted, concerned with science, justice, reason
These traits more or less fit Mint. Her ballet dancing and heroic abilities could definitely put her under talented. Mint acts mature most of the time, but it can also rub of as a little bit pompous. She's good in social scenes, so she's definitely not introverted. I wouldn't describe her character as wise, impartial, or intuitive either. (Even though she can be these at times.) Justice? Well, that's obvious. But concerned with science? No way!
Even though Mint only fit a few of these traits, it's still clear she has some traits most blue haired anime characters have.
Mew Lettuce:
Traits: Easy-going, trustworthy, docile, enlightened, tolerant, rejuvenating, of raw energy, roguish, imprudent, poisonous, jealous
The first two that you can pick out that are immediately Lettuce include easy-going and trustworthy. When Lettuce in in a group, she can be very docile. Enlightened and tolerant can also be associated with Lettuce. However, the last five traits don't fit her at all. (They seem to be things you'd associate Quiche with.) Rejuvenating wouldn't be something to associate Lettuce with either, but sometimes she can prove that wrong. (Like the time when Lettuce saved Ryou from drowning.)
So Lettuce fit about half of the traits. Overall, Anne from hit the nail on the head with these traits. So a big thanks to her for being so observant. ^^
Part 2 will be coming soon!
What did you guys think of the post? Do you agree or disagree with mine and Anne's opinions?
I was viewing some of her old posts when this topic caught my eye: And since the Mew Mews were on that page, I figured, why not? Let's see if their hair color matches their personality.
Mew Ichigo:
For anime characters with pink hair, these are some of the traits that Anne believes can be associated with them: Benevolent, feminine, youthful, innocent, cheerful, cute, orderly, accomplished, gullible, frustrated
I've got to say, Ichigo fits most of these traits perfectly. She's definitely cheerful, cute, and innocent. She can be gullible sometimes, and definitely gets frustrated on periods of the show. I wouldn't use the word orderly to define her character though, but I suppose she's an accomplished person after saving the Earth all those times. And overall, she's a very benevolent person.
So I would say she fits most of these traits, but orderly and accomplished are the outliers here.
Mew Mint:
Traits: Wise, impartial, talented, mature, intuitive, introverted, concerned with science, justice, reason
These traits more or less fit Mint. Her ballet dancing and heroic abilities could definitely put her under talented. Mint acts mature most of the time, but it can also rub of as a little bit pompous. She's good in social scenes, so she's definitely not introverted. I wouldn't describe her character as wise, impartial, or intuitive either. (Even though she can be these at times.) Justice? Well, that's obvious. But concerned with science? No way!
Even though Mint only fit a few of these traits, it's still clear she has some traits most blue haired anime characters have.
Mew Lettuce:
Traits: Easy-going, trustworthy, docile, enlightened, tolerant, rejuvenating, of raw energy, roguish, imprudent, poisonous, jealous
The first two that you can pick out that are immediately Lettuce include easy-going and trustworthy. When Lettuce in in a group, she can be very docile. Enlightened and tolerant can also be associated with Lettuce. However, the last five traits don't fit her at all. (They seem to be things you'd associate Quiche with.) Rejuvenating wouldn't be something to associate Lettuce with either, but sometimes she can prove that wrong. (Like the time when Lettuce saved Ryou from drowning.)
So Lettuce fit about half of the traits. Overall, Anne from hit the nail on the head with these traits. So a big thanks to her for being so observant. ^^
Part 2 will be coming soon!
What did you guys think of the post? Do you agree or disagree with mine and Anne's opinions?
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Hiatus Is Now OVER!
Okay, Okay, Okay, Okay.... I know what your all thinking: This blog is dead and I'm moving on! Me: Wait!!! Please don't go! I promise I'll never go on an unwarned hiatus again!!!

So,the last time I posted was in may. MAY. That's a really looooong time ago! (Well, actually it's only two months ago but it seems much longer.)
I know this blog wasn't really a hit from the start, but I want you guys to know that it's not dead. It's not dead, okay? I've recently been focusing my attention to my Winx Club blog, and kind of abandoned this one in the process. At first I was only going to abandon it for a week, but a week turned into a month, and a month turned into two months. But if you're reading this, you know I'm back. And I'm going to be back for good. How can I prove this to you? Well, I can't. But whether people comment on this post or not (or show some indication that they read it and still visit this blog) I will post something in a few days that I thought was really interesting about the Tokyo Mew Mew characters...(Hint: It's got something to with their hair.)
I really, really, hope I still have at least one reader that comes to this blog every now and then and will be reading my next post! One again, sorry for leaving you for so long! I hope you can forgive me. ^^

So,the last time I posted was in may. MAY. That's a really looooong time ago! (Well, actually it's only two months ago but it seems much longer.)
I know this blog wasn't really a hit from the start, but I want you guys to know that it's not dead. It's not dead, okay? I've recently been focusing my attention to my Winx Club blog, and kind of abandoned this one in the process. At first I was only going to abandon it for a week, but a week turned into a month, and a month turned into two months. But if you're reading this, you know I'm back. And I'm going to be back for good. How can I prove this to you? Well, I can't. But whether people comment on this post or not (or show some indication that they read it and still visit this blog) I will post something in a few days that I thought was really interesting about the Tokyo Mew Mew characters...(Hint: It's got something to with their hair.)
I really, really, hope I still have at least one reader that comes to this blog every now and then and will be reading my next post! One again, sorry for leaving you for so long! I hope you can forgive me. ^^
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
TMM Cosplay; Something Different...
Hey guys! So I was browsing Youtube videos like usual, when I came across a Tokyo Mew Mew cosplay video. I thought it would be like most of the others I seen, but I watched it and something was different about it...(Watch it and you'll see what I mean.)
Their wearing masks that make them look more animated! At first I was a little, er, surprised by it, but then I took a second look at it, and it actually made them seem more realistic to what they look like on the show. (Despite their heads being really big.) If you get a chance, check it out! It might change your perspective on TMM cosplay. ;)
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Tokyo Mew Mew Swedish Opening (Best TMM Fandub You'll Ever See!!!)
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Tokyo Mew Mew Theme Covers On Piano And Bass
And the video below shows a base cover of the same song. It's harder to hear, but still awesome. So enjoy, nya! ^-^
For some reason the bass video wasn't working when I posted it, so here's a link to the video instead. ;)
Friday, April 12, 2013
4Kids Dub...Would you take this chance?
These questions have been pondering my mind lately about the 4Kids dub Mew Mew Power...Most Tokyo Mew Mew fans hate what 4 Kids did to the show. And I have to say, I can't blame them. But others liked Mew Mew Power for what it was. Sure, it was no Tokyo Mew Mew, but it was a decent cartoon. (That's what got me into watching TMM anyway.) But what about if you wanted to get your friend into Tokyo Mew Mew?
Start your friend off with Tokyo Mew Mew if...
-They already know what anime is and they watch it a lot.
-They hate dubs and prefer subs.
-They've aready seen what 4 Kids does to it's shows.
Start your friend off on Mew Mew Power if...
-They don't like to read subs, or watch cartoons in different languages
-You want them to get a feel for what anime looks like
-Your friend insists they watch it in English first to see if they like it.
Also, lets not forget that 4 Kids did not dub the whole series, so even if your friend really enjoyed the English dub, they would have to convert to finish the anime. And also, if you trully want to get your friend into anime, get them used to the Japanese voices with English subs. So..
What would you do? Watch Tokyo Mew Mew with English subs with your friend or go for the shorter version of TMM (Mew Mew Power) to try and get them hooked?
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Will Tokyo Mew Mew Ever Make A Comeback?
Hey guys! So here we are: One of my very raer discussion posts! It's to try to help bring this blog back to life, so I hope at least one person reads and comments on this!
Tokyo Mew Mew: Will it ever come back to television? Would it thrive if it were to ever be aired again?
Let's look at the facts:
-Tokyo Mew Mew is an older anime. (It's tenth anniversary already passed.)
-It wasn't as popular as some of the other big animes. (Sailor Moon anyone?)
-However, it did get national attenton, getting dubbed in many different languages.
-It aired in America under Mew Mew Power, making it somewhat known here in the US.
-Many fans continue to promote and support it today. (My site, Hika Yagami's sites, etc.)
-Sequals and extras were made after the main story line, including Tokyo Mew Mew A La Mode, and some video games.
-Berry and Ringo were additional Mew Mews that never made it to television, but were known in the mangas and video games.
- No one has picked up a licence on it yet for it to continue to air here in the US.
Do you guys remember the post I had a little over a year ago, having to do with picking out the next network to air Tokyo Mew Mew? Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network stood out as being the two networks most likely to air it. But is that really the case? What's your opinion?
In my opinion, there is still a small chance Tokyo Mew Mew could come back and re-air here in the US. But we do have that Sailor Moon rival...
After Sailor Moon's 20th anniversary passed, it was announced that something similar to Sailor Moon (using some of the original VA's) would air world wide, starting in Japan this summer. I was kind of hoping something like that would hppen with Tokyo Mew Mew, but sadly, it did not. (Hey we still have the 15th and 20th anniversary to hope for, right?)
What do you guys think? Could Tokyo Mew Mew ever come back to television?
Tokyo Mew Mew: Will it ever come back to television? Would it thrive if it were to ever be aired again?
Let's look at the facts:
-Tokyo Mew Mew is an older anime. (It's tenth anniversary already passed.)
-It wasn't as popular as some of the other big animes. (Sailor Moon anyone?)
-However, it did get national attenton, getting dubbed in many different languages.
-It aired in America under Mew Mew Power, making it somewhat known here in the US.
-Many fans continue to promote and support it today. (My site, Hika Yagami's sites, etc.)
-Sequals and extras were made after the main story line, including Tokyo Mew Mew A La Mode, and some video games.
-Berry and Ringo were additional Mew Mews that never made it to television, but were known in the mangas and video games.
- No one has picked up a licence on it yet for it to continue to air here in the US.
Do you guys remember the post I had a little over a year ago, having to do with picking out the next network to air Tokyo Mew Mew? Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network stood out as being the two networks most likely to air it. But is that really the case? What's your opinion?
In my opinion, there is still a small chance Tokyo Mew Mew could come back and re-air here in the US. But we do have that Sailor Moon rival...
After Sailor Moon's 20th anniversary passed, it was announced that something similar to Sailor Moon (using some of the original VA's) would air world wide, starting in Japan this summer. I was kind of hoping something like that would hppen with Tokyo Mew Mew, but sadly, it did not. (Hey we still have the 15th and 20th anniversary to hope for, right?)
What do you guys think? Could Tokyo Mew Mew ever come back to television?
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter everyone! I hope you guys are having fun and eating tons of chocolate today! ^_^ (I know I am!)
Enjoy this photo from A La Mode!
And, yeah, I know I've said this SO many times, but I'm going to liven up this blog again. *Sigh* And it's going to take a lot of work...
Enjoy this photo from A La Mode!
And, yeah, I know I've said this SO many times, but I'm going to liven up this blog again. *Sigh* And it's going to take a lot of work...
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Happy St.Patrick's Day!
Wow! St.Patrick's day is already here! (That means March is more than half over already.) So, since green is the most common color on this day, it got me thinking about what the Mew Mews wear. Guess who popped in my mind first?
That's right, Lettuce. :p (She's green all over!)
Well, guess she's the luckiest Mew Mew today.
And the luckiest alien...
Green hair- he made the cut.
Lettuce and Kisshu aren't getting pinched today. And I hope you guys are having a great St.Patrick's Day! But if you're not wearing green...*Pinch*
That's right, Lettuce. :p (She's green all over!)
Well, guess she's the luckiest Mew Mew today.
And the luckiest alien...
Green hair- he made the cut.
Lettuce and Kisshu aren't getting pinched today. And I hope you guys are having a great St.Patrick's Day! But if you're not wearing green...*Pinch*
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Fan Art Page Now Has Art Work On It!
Yup, that's right, I finally got around to put some of my art work onto the fan art page. Currently, these are the only two drawings I have published on it:
I'd love to have Tokyo Mew Mew art work or any anime related art work from you guys that I could put up on this blog and onto the fan art page. Hopefully this will encourage people to submit artwork in. You can submit your artwork to me by emailing me at Then I will publish it on this blog!
In the meantime, what do you think of my drawings? ^_^
I'd love to have Tokyo Mew Mew art work or any anime related art work from you guys that I could put up on this blog and onto the fan art page. Hopefully this will encourage people to submit artwork in. You can submit your artwork to me by emailing me at Then I will publish it on this blog!
In the meantime, what do you think of my drawings? ^_^
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
How To Draw Ichigo And Mint *Plus My Berry Drawing!
But, after many attepts at drawing, this was my final product:
It's Berry. This was my second attempt at drawing a Mew Mew, so hopefully you guys think it came out alright. And don't worry, I can take critisism. ;)
I also drew Mint and Ichigo but those, er, still need some work. I also want to make a DevianArt account so I can share more of my anime drawings with you guys. But, it will take time, so please stay patient for now!
Monday, February 4, 2013
Tokyo Mew Mew Paper Craft!
So as I was browsing the net today, and I saw these cute little Mew Mew paper crafts that I thought you guys might want to try! Here they are:
All you have to do is print them out and put them together. And if you really like them, you can find even more here: To tell you the truth, I've never actually successfully done one of these kinds of crafts before (i don't know, maybe it's just me) but I'm willing to try again! And also, I''ve been testing out different cupcakes recipes so i can find you guys the best ones and show you how to make them Tokyo Mew Mew style!
Oh, and on an unrelated note, if anyone knows where I can find some clean Tokyo Mew Mew Doujinshi, please let me know!
All you have to do is print them out and put them together. And if you really like them, you can find even more here: To tell you the truth, I've never actually successfully done one of these kinds of crafts before (i don't know, maybe it's just me) but I'm willing to try again! And also, I''ve been testing out different cupcakes recipes so i can find you guys the best ones and show you how to make them Tokyo Mew Mew style!
Oh, and on an unrelated note, if anyone knows where I can find some clean Tokyo Mew Mew Doujinshi, please let me know!
Thursday, January 24, 2013
More Tokyo Mew Mew Cupcakes!
I don't what's up with me lately, but I guess you could just say I'm crazed with cupcakes! XD
These Tokyo Mew Mew cupcakes are so cute and so detailed too! I commend the artist who made these! Fantastic job! And boy do they look good! But at the same time, they look almost too cute to eat!
These Tokyo Mew Mew cupcakes are so cute and so detailed too! I commend the artist who made these! Fantastic job! And boy do they look good! But at the same time, they look almost too cute to eat!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Masha Cupcakes!
Well well well, I got to say, these look way too Kawaii! Yes, they really are cupcakes made to look like Masha.
But it wasn't my genius idea to make these. (It was only my idea to search for them.) To see what the toppings are, click this link:
And since this is one of the first things I've posted that is realated to cooking, how do you like it, and would you like me to find more Tokyo Mew Mew related recipes?
But it wasn't my genius idea to make these. (It was only my idea to search for them.) To see what the toppings are, click this link:
And since this is one of the first things I've posted that is realated to cooking, how do you like it, and would you like me to find more Tokyo Mew Mew related recipes?
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Tokyo Mew Mew ''Beauty Case'' For Sale
The ebay seller calls it a ''Beauty Case, but I'm not so sure. At first I thought it was a backpack, but it just looks like a regular case to me. It doesn't really matrer what type of case to me, but I sure like it. And, it's for sale here:
I don't much about the Italian ebay site, so buy at your own risk. ;)
I don't much about the Italian ebay site, so buy at your own risk. ;)
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Happy New Year Everyone!
Yay! We've reached 2013! And now that it's a new year, prepare for new posts, new looks, and new pages! :)
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