Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How To Draw Ichigo And Mint *Plus My Berry Drawing!

I know, I know, these videos are not in the best quality, but these are the best  could find. Considering I have been drawing many Mew Mews these past weeks, I'd thought I'd give you guys inspiration to do the same with, none other than, tutorials! :D I wanted to make one myself, but haven't found the time too. In fact, I barely found time to post this! (Yikes!)
But, after many attepts at drawing, this was my final product:
It's Berry. This was my second attempt at drawing a Mew Mew, so hopefully you guys think it came out alright. And don't worry, I can take critisism. ;)
I also drew Mint and Ichigo but those, er, still need some work. I also want to make a DevianArt account so I can share more of my anime drawings with you guys. But, it will take time, so please stay patient for now!

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