Saturday, July 28, 2012

Kiss Of A Strawberry Chapter 7

Okay guys, this chapter is kind of a filler chapter, and may get a bit boring at parts, but it's not too bad. Read and tell me what you think. :)

Written By PurfectPrincessGirl

It was nearing 4:00 at Café Mew Mews, the guests were steadily starting to decline in number. The waitresses were all cleaning up and awaited the end of their shifts, "Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy!" Pudding chanted to herself, bubbling with excitement. Ichigo giggled and rolled her eyes, "Pudding, why all the excitement? It not even close to 4:30 yet,". Pudding gave her a slightly pleading look, "I know I know, it's just the thought of me and Taruto being alone together, in a dark romantic setting, with our lips pressed so tightly together and then our tongues intertwining-"
"-WE GET IT." The whole Mew Mew team cried all at-once, clearly disgusted. But Pudding shrugged this off and went back into her cheerful fantasy land. Ichigo was looking closely at the wall-clock, anticipating the hands landing on 4:30. "Hey Ichigo, you okay?" Zakuro asked her from behind, making the cat-girl jump in surprise, "Oh! Zakuro, I-I was just um…t-thinking about something that's all." Zakuro smirked in amusement, "It's about your date tonight isn't it?".
Ichigo gasped in surprise. How did she know? Can she read minds? "So what's the problem?" she inquired, "Well I mean, me and Kisshu have only been on one date so far, b-but it seems like he wants to move along in the relationship, faster than what I have expected. And this is only our second date too, I-I think he wants to get serious…" Ichigo looked up to Zakuro for a response, but she simply smirked back at her, "So, what's wrong with that?" Ichigo was dumbfounded by her remark. "Huh? I don't understand." Zakuro chuckled to herself, amused by the red-head's naivety. "Look Ichigo, there's a few things you need to know about men who date. For them, when they meet a girl they like, and they go on a date, if there's chemistry, then they pursue the girl relentlessly. No matter how much it may annoy the girl or if they interrupt their everyday lives, the only thing that matters to a man is that they get to be with their girl." With all this information, Ichigo's head was about to explode, "I know this may all seem pretty complicated Ichigo, but don't worry about that too much. If you both like eachother that much, then that's all that matters, really."
By the time the clock hit 4:30, all of the customers were already gone, and the Café was closed for now. After a hard day of work and labor, all Ichigo really wanted to do was go home and take a cat nap. But she remembered that she had a date here at the Café tonight, the nap would have to wait until later. Dressing out of her workclothes and into a bathrobe, Ichigo looked around for her regular clothes, only to find that they were missing. "Hey, has anybody seen my clothes?" Ichigo asked her co-workers while looking around, none of them saw them of course. She looked and looked until she found that a box has been placed outside of her locker. Come to think of it, there were more boxes placed outside of the girls' lockers, each having a different colored ribbon attached. A note was attached to Ichigo's box, which read
"I want you to wear this for our date Ichigo, I hope you don't mind it's design. I thought it would be fitting for the theme of our date anyway. Love, Kisshu."
Ichigo smiled at this and eagerly opened up the box. What she found inside amazed her. Pulling it out, she saw that it was a beautiful pink cocktail dress, with a sparkling rhinestone hem, and a big red bow on the front of the neckline. There was even a pair of matching red pumps to go with the dress. It was simply gorgeous, Ichigo couldn't wait to try it on. So she ripped off her bathrobe and grabbed the dress and heels, locking herself in her own worker's stall. It was a little tricky at first, putting on a dress that was tight around the waist and hips, but with a little nudge and pull, it was a success. After putting on the heels and brushing her hair out into some pretty pigtails, Ichigo stepped out of the stall.
She was instantly met with the other Mew Mews, who were also decked out in cocktail dresses, each with a color cooresponding to its wearer. Lettuce's was a soft lime color, Minto was wearing sparkling cyan, Zakuro wore a lovely dark plum dress, Berry's was a satin gold with sequins on the hem, and Pudding was wearing an adorable orange colored dress that had a poofy skirt and sleeves. "Wow, you guys look great." Ichigo said as she gazed at all her friends. "Not as much as you Onee-san, you look soo pretty!" Pudding exclaimed back, "Mm, I supposed you don't look THAT bad." Minto remarked. "Oh don't be rude Minto, she does look rather elegant." Lettuce told her. Ichigo shrugged and looked at the empty boxes on the sides, "So, did Kisshu send all you guys dresses too?". All of the Mews looked to her in confusion,
"No, I got mine from Ryou." Zakuro mentioned.
"Strange, my dress was addressed from Pai." Lettuce said.
"I'm pretty sure mine is from Tasuku." Berry told her.
"For some reason, my dress was said to be from Akasaka." Minto said back.
"My Taru-Taru sent me my dress!" Pudding chirped while twirling herself around in her dress.
Ichigo was puzzled by all this news. Why did all these guys send these girls these dresses? She thought it was supposed to be a date for just her and Kisshu. "Hey wait a minute, where are all the guys?" Lettuce asked to her fellow Mews "Weren't they just here a half-an-hour ago?". All the Mews shrugged their shoulders. Where were those guys anyway? They continued to wonder that as they went back into the café room.
Boy did they have the surprise of their lives.
There, standing in the center of the room, were all six men, Kisshu, Pai, Taruto, Ryou, Keiichiro, and Tasuku, all wearing very intricate looking tuxedos. Ichigo couldn't help but notice that each man was wearing a boutonniere that matched the color of the girls' dresses. For Kisshu, it was a pink carnation. "Wow Kisshu, you look…amazing!" Ichigo said in awe, as she looked up and down at him. He smirked back and checked Ichigo out from head to toe, "Thanks, you look as ravishing as always, Koneko-chan. And I see you're wearing the dress I got you. Very beautiful on you." Ichigo blushed and gave an embarrassed smile. The Other Mews joined their respective partners and were all in awe about how glamorous everyone looked.
"You look very beautiful Zakuro." Ryou said to Zakuro. "You too." She told him back.
"Squee! Taru-Taru you look so CUTE!" Pudding squealed as she pounced on the brown haired alien, "T-Thanks Pudding, you..look…good too…" he squeaked as Pudding was constricting him with her bear hug.
"Oh um, hey Pai. You look, um, very..handsome." Lettuce murmured to Pai, while looking her head down, "Thanks, you're..very..pretty. I-I mean you look very pretty..ahem.." Pai nervously said back.
"Tasuku sweetie, you look sexy as always." Berry said to her boyfriend, who gave a slightly embarrassed laugh, "Thanks, you too Baby-Bunny." The other Mew Mews groaned at the couple's lovey-doveyness. Blegh!
"Akasaka, thank you kindly for the dress." Minto told Akasaka, who smiled and bowed to her in return, "Your welcome Minto, hope it wasn't too much." Minto shook her head, "Not at all, it's very nice."
"ALRIGHT, IS EVERYBODY HERE?" called a loud voice that boomed from the doorway. Everyone turned their heads to the door, only to find a tall, lean man, who looked like the strong silent type, and a very voluptuous woman with wavy brunette hair and too much make-up on her face, standing side to side. "Excellent, now we may finally begin!" exclaimed the woman. Ichigo was a little bit confused, "Um, Kisshu, who are these people?" she whispered to the green haired alien. He gave out a chuckle and smirked back at her, "That is Madame Ibuki and her husband Mr. Touma. They're going to be our dance teachers today." Ichigo's eyes widened, "Dance teachers? What kind of dance?"
Madame Ibuki barked out a laugh and extended her hand to her husband, "Oh silly girl…" Her husband pulled her into a tight embrace and proceeded to dip her gently, "The Tango dance of course!"
All of the girls gasped in shock, especially Ichigo, "WHAT? Kisshu, we can't do this, I don't even do the chicken dance. I'm a terrible dancer really." Madame Ibuki barked out another laugh, "Ohohoho! Oh you silly girl, there is no such thing as a terrible dancer. Anyone can dance if they know the steps. Besides, it only takes two to tango." She said to the cat-girl as she lifted herself up and gave her husband a peck on the cheek, "Now then, everyone take a partner. Our lesson will begin shortly."
All of the Mew Mews and the guys picked their partners in just a few seconds. Ichigo with Kisshu, Pudding with Taruto, Lettuce with Pai, Zakuro with Ryou, Minto with Akasaka, and Berry with Tasuku. "Alrighty then. Now I am going to present to you the basic tango dance. Darling, cue the music!" she gestured to Touma, who obediently turned on the radio to a slow salsa song.
The pair proceeded to get close together, Touma placing his hands on her waist and hand, while Ibuki put her hands on his shoulder and hand. The Mew Mews and their partners watched in awe as the married couple twirled across the floor with ease, never once separating and with a look of passion in their eyes. "Now watch my students, this is where the dance must get a little heated up." As she said this, the music in the background began to speed up, and with that, the dancing pair was speeding up their movements as well. Their eyes are locked, their bodies are basically one now, and then they do a few more twirled movements before the man slowly but gently dips the woman, and that was that.
The Mew Mews and the guys all clapped in applause, the couple before them taking a bow before Madame Ibuki announced, "Now that that was out of the way, time for all of you to dance as well." Ichigo gasped and became a little nervous, but Kisshu squeezed her hand in reassurance, "Don't worry Kitty, just follow my lead." Ichigo nodded in response, but she still felt a little nervous going up on the dance floor. The rest of the gang followed, "Now, I would like everyone to get into positions with their partners, and when the music starts, begin the dance!" Ibuki announced. The couples got into the positions the best way they could, though it was a little bit difficult for some.
"Um, Pai, You're a lot taller than I am, how am I supposed to um, hold on to you?" Lettuce asked meekly as she tried to clumsily hold on to him, "I don't know. Um, try standing on your tip-toes or something." He said while trying to hold her up. "How can I? I'm wearing heels."
"Ow! Pudding quit stepping on me!" Taruto complained as Pudding's heels kept getting caught on his shoes, "Woops sorry Taru, um maybe if I just put my left foot there," Pudding murmured while trying her best to adjust herself, but she ended up hurting Taruto even more. "Ow! I knew I shouldn't have bought you those heels.." he grumbled to himself.
Keiichiro and Minto were having a similar problem like with Pai and Lettuce, only it was because Minto was just too short, "Ugh, can't you just hold me up properly?" she complained to her partner, who just gave a slightly embarrassed smile, "Please forgive me Minto, it's just that I can't seem to reach you…" "Are you calling me short?" Minto accused him, appalled at his statement, "Well um, ehehe, n-not exactly um…"
While the three couples were arguing with their problems, the other couples were doing just fine for now. Well, sort of. You see, it appeared Madame Ibuki was just about to blow her top from all this interruption, "GRAAAHH! THAT IS IT!" she bellowed out loud, silencing the room for once. "Touma, cue the music, NOW!" she ordered her husband, who, in a panicked state, scurried over to the radio to push the play button. As the salsa music started to play again, Ibuki regained her composure and turned to her class, "Well what are you waiting for? DANCE!" Naturally, the entire crew began to follow her instructions, for the most part. Kisshu, on the other hand, was having a bit of difficulty with Ichigo, who kept looking down at her feet instead of with him.
"Ichigo, what's the matter?" He asked her concerned, "Kisshu, I don't think I can do this. I'm going to suck, I just know it." Ichigo answered, in a pitiful tone. Kisshu gave her a reassuring smile, lifting her chin up to him face-to-face, "Shh, just relax my kitten. This is our date remember. It's just you and me right now. No one else." Looking deep into his golden orbs, Ichigo slowly nodded her head and started to loosen up a little. She took a deep breath and got close to him, blushing slightly at the feel of their bodies being pressed together. Remembering Madame Ibuki's position, Ichigo put one of her legs between his, and placed her hands on his shoulders and in one of his hands. "Like this?" she asked curiously, he simply nodded back. "Now remember Kitten, just you and me…"
Ichigo took in those last few words as she and Kisshu started the dance. Kisshu lead first, gliding himself and his red-haired partner across the floor with relative ease. Taking a few steps back, then forward, and back. Pausing, he turned around and headed in the opposite direction, steadily, but gently so as to not make his partner trip. Ichigo never realized that Kisshu was a good dancer, he was definitely better than she was that's for sure, she thought to herself. These motions continued on for about half of the song, until suddenly, the music began to speed up. Madame Ibuki clapped her hands together, "Now all of you must really embrace the fiery passion in your dance!" she exclaimed.
Uh oh, Ichigo thought. Following the teacher's word, Kisshu began to speed up his act, guiding Ichigo forward and back, forward and back, while looking deep into her eyes with a passionate glint. Ichigo never thought he looked this sexy before, with his eyes half-lidded and his lips curling into a smirk. "Ready?" he asked, preparing Ichigo for the final part of the dance. The Dip.
Ichigo gulped, at the thought of being nearly dropped, but she trusted Kisshu, so she let him slowly arch her back, in a lowering motion, until the tips of her hair was grazing the floor. Then the music stopped, and the dance was over.
"Splendid! Absolutely Splendid!" Ibuki exclaimed, with the biggest smile of joy played on her features. Her husband Touma nodded in agreement, "I hope you all have enjoyed that lesson, because now you have all truly embraced what it means to Tango. Farewell, and good-luck!" she called out as she and her husband stepped out of the Café, exiting with the flair of an exotic bird.
Ichigo took a sigh of relief and looked to Kisshu, "So Ichigo, did you have fun?" he asked as she was redressing herself from inside her changing area, Kisshu being outside so he wouldn't peep on her. "Yes I did Kisshu, it was…amazing." She said to him while readjusting her bra-straps. Kisshu smirked at the catgirl's awe, "Still think you're a bad dancer hmm?". Ichigo shook her head(even though he didn't see her), "Well I guessed I improved a little, but boy Kisshu, you were a real pro. How did you become so good at dancing?". The green-haired alien gave a light chuckle, "Well, I don't mean to brag…but I did attend several ballroom events over the past five years. So naturally I had to learn how to dance at some point or another."
Ichigo paused at this, imagining her Kisshu in a fancy ballroom, with over a hundred people inside, and him dancing with the prettiest girls there, "Hmm, I bet you've danced with a lot of pretty girls then huh?" she commented, with a hidden jealousy in her heart. Being an Alien, Kisshu could sense Ichigo's inner emotions, and he thought it was kind of cute that she got jealous, "As a matter of fact, I did. But they were nowhere near as pretty as you Ichigo. Believe me, all those girls wear heavy makeup and such to make themselves look presentable. With you, you don't need it and you're already stunning as it is."
Ichigo smiled and blushed by Kisshu's flattery, it made her feel a whole lot better too. After getting completely dressed, she stepped out of her changing room and stood in front of Kisshu. "Thank you, Kisshu. This was a wonderful date." She said with a bow of respect. Giggling at her antics, Kisshu grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it, "The pleasure is yours Ichigo. I'm happy you've enjoyed yourself." Smiling, he took a step closer, "Would another date be satisfactory?" he asked while holding her hand. Ichigo returned the smile and nodded, "Yes, that would be nice." And then, without warning, Ichigo wrapped her arms around Kisshu's neck, and planted a tender kiss on his lips. Kisshu was, of course, taken aback, but in a good way. Gently he placed his arms around her waist, closing his eyes in sweet, sweet pleasure from the kiss.
Ichigo let go after about a minute, looking into Kisshu's golden eyes with her chocolate ones, "So how does next Friday sound?" she asked while twirling a green strand of hair from his face. Kisshu giggled and pulled her in tighter, "Sounds great. Pick you up at 11:00?". "Perfect." She said with a purr, and she once again pulled him into another kiss.
Who knew that one dance of passion could bring two loves together?

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